Saturday, April 23, 2011

mutant phantom prolouge

mutant phantom
disclaimer: i do not own Danny phantom nor x-men evolution.
warning: some characters may be ooc, especially the professor. for me he is a difficult character to portray due to his calm demeanor, if I'm doing something wrong or if you think I'm not doing a character justice please don't refrain from telling me.
a/n: there doesn't seem to be a complete consensus as to where amity park is actually located, most seem to believe it is located in Illinois but some have it located in many other state in the country so for the sake of this fic lets just pretend it's located in the state of Ohio just a few hours from Bayville when he's flying.
disclaimer: i do not own Danny phantom or x-men evolution
tired. . . so tired. . .thought Danny as he was stumbling through the streets of a small city god knows where. Danny was covered in blood from head to toe, most of it being his. at the moment he was so weak he was no longer able to go ghost. Danny's mind was in disbelief as to what had happened only a few hours ago. they shot at him, he just couldn't believe that his own parents would shoot at him. i mean yeah they shot at phantom all the time, but never Fenton. he also couldn't believe how stupid he was, to tell them Danny Fenton was Danny phantom. he knew that would be how they'd react.
thought Danny as his body shuddered from the pain of the wound in his side. the burn came from his father's ecto-gun. his body twitched from left over electricity from his mother's jack'o-ninetails. it didn't help much too have gotten in a fight with skulker only a few hours after escaping his parents. he barely got away before he realized he was already outside city limits. he thought about saying goodbye to sam and tucker, but he decided against it. they'd probably here about it from jazz anyway. through his hazy vision he was barely able to see the gated structure to which he was headed.
he had no idea why he was heading toward that building he just had a feeling that he would be safe there. though only God knows why anyone with a sound mind would find a large building with a locked gate anything but ominous. he had enough power to phase through the gate, onto the main driveway and halfway down the walk before he lost consciousness. the last thing his eyes were able to register was silhouette of a figure in a wheelchair coming towards him before he lost consciousness.
Xavier rolled himself out to the courtyard of the institute after cerebro detected a surge in energy located on the grounds of the institute just off the long drive way. he was halfway down the path when he saw a figure limping (if you could call it that) down the pathway. it was dark and difficult to see who it was, but as the figure got closer he was able to make out that it was a teenager, a boy, and he was in awful shape. he was covered in a mixture of blood and some green substance. he could tell that the child had been a fight, a bad one at that.
Xavier was able to make out more of the boys features as he made his way over to the wounded child so he could be of some help, the boy had ebony black hair which was matted with blood and that strange green substance. he telepathically called to Logan and hank, he needed their aid to get the boy inside to their triage room and try to save the boy's life. the professor was only few feet away before he saw the boy fall and slump to the ground. by the time professor Xavier made it to the stranger wolverine and beast were there.
Mr. McCoy checked the child's pulse, he then made room for Logan to pick him up and take him into the institute and tend to his injuries. after they got the child settled they left the room to allow the sleeping child some rest.
A little while later the ghost child woke up on a soft surface, he soon realized it to be something similar to a hospital bed. Confused as to where he was Danny Fenton opened his weary and tired eyes, only to find himself in a small yet cozy room (well what would be a cozy room if not for all the machines and tubes strung about the room.) Danny attempted to sit up, but quickly lay back down due to both the fatigue and his sore body aching from the fight.
"Glad to see you're finally awake" came the calm but caring voice of Professor Charles Xavier. "You were in quite the condition when we found you. Actually its quite surprising to see you awake already." he said with a slightly perplexed tone to his voice. Danny turned to the voice slightly confused by what he meant. What? Who? Who is this guy? How did i get here? Why am i not at home wi . . . then slowly it all started to come back. him revealing himself, the fight with his mom and dad, running away, running into plasmius.
"um. . .yeah . . i um. . . i heal quickly" said Danny cautiously trying carefully not to let anything slip. "um, sir, where am i?" the halfa asked the kind man " and um not to be rude or anything, but. . . who are you?" Danny asked hoping not to upset the man who apparently had taken him in while in the worst condition of his life.
the man just calmly smiled and replied " my name is Charles Xavier, you are in my school the Xavier institute for gifted youngsters." there was a short pause before Xavier asked " could you tell me about yourself"
Danny took a calm breath before replying "my name is Danny Fenton, um I'm from amity park." amity park? that's located in Ohio? what brings this child so far from home? when the professor asked this question the answer he got pained him (though he also got the feeling he wasn't getting the whole truth).
Danny took a deep breath and began "um. . . i ran away. my parents are ghost hunters and our city has this ghost child who protects the city from ghosts. but my parents don't see it that way, they look at him like any other ghost, they consider him an evil emotionless bag of ectoplasm that should be studied dissected and torn apart molecule by molecule. i didn't agree and provided the ghost Danny phantom with some of my parents ghost supplies." explained Danny nervously, making things up as he goes along " when they found out we got into an argument and they disowned me. on the way out of town i was attacked by this ghost that has a grudge against the ghost boy and made my way here, wherever here (he means as in the city) is."
"ok, I'm sorry to hear that." said the professor sympathetically "well I'm going to leave for now. just go ahead and rest we'll deal with the rest in the morning."
"thanks, see you then" said Danny groggily slowly falling back into a deep slumber

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